Saturday 29 June 2019

Continuum Alpha Theta

Man, I am Stoned on Life, everything is so beautiful, every thought is Ascendance like a balloon carried on hot air, bouncing off the floor, back into the Air... Deep joy is in every Breath, who can say they are truly content?... I can and mean it... coz I am Droned again hic

My life is a lily pond and I am every Lily in that pond, I don't have inestimable riches, but I have more than sufficient to keep me warm fed happy and contented...

I am my Toys, my toys are me. with their help, I can be happy and free... today is an exception the HEAT is oppressive neither Me or Boo like it at all, it drains You of energy, BUT I do go to a Drone Shoot (not the one below, that is Yesterdays DS) but another lovely place, an Arboretum = a Garden of Trees from all over the world, we go there a lot, and it obviously occurred to me to Drone it deeply...

So I did go there although tired, but it was full of half naked Trippers in Camper Vans, and I didn't want to start a RIOT... so we had a walk Boo had a Poo, and we Went home, but I left the drone in the Car in case I get the 'tingling" feeling to Shoot, a visual Orgasm... at sunset like the one Below, but

I got it all Wrong, the sun dazzled the Sensor, and it's pedestrian and tedious not to mention somewhat boring...

but in the spirit of sharing Failure with an occasional humdinger, I rest my case... at least "I had a go"... the essence of life's purpose... each failure is a Golden lesson in the search for 'perfection', to Dream the Impossible Dream etc...

Monday 24 June 2019

Best Day of My Life

Well Nearly... and its still happening, I went Out to Do an evening Drone shoot, one I had planned and adjusted "Hundreds of times" weeks ago in the middle of the night... since I got my Advanced Drone, the sky is the Limit so to speak, and my enthusiasm equals a Grooms Hard On on Wedding night...

the best bit is... you never get to come... it is a constant promise on the edge of Ecstasy, that is almost perpetual, like being on a Spiritual "PLATEAU" where Joy continues moment after moment exactly like the Buddha or a Frog jumping successfully to a Water Lily... time after time, a certainty of Happiness fills your chest with Love and Hope and Friendliness...

what happened?... I got Blessed from being just Depressed... and found something to get immersed in, my Blog is a part of it too, a place where I can Dump it all by the Art of Regurgitated self-expression... I Enjoy so much, Gratification is always with me before the event... 

Sorry IGCA (I got carried away, wouldn't you!) this evening @ 18:20 I went out (28-mile roundtrip) to DELIBERATELY DO SOMETHING, I made up my Mind, like a Cruise Missile: as they say, to fulfil a Previsualised Completion in actuality, by sheer will determination and planning: it feels so good to be Equalized and ALIVE with "Plans and Visions"

I got there and CHICKEN OUT IMMEDIATELY, the place was filled with rich posh People lots of em, and I felt out of place and not confident about my little Pre-planned flight's of my personal Pheonix, i.e. in Daydreams you get to live and learn to fly... the complex path of a sentient entity through T. S. time and space, where you finally LOCK ON to a Stimulus that Revives your flagging soul... when your Heart has a Focus that returns all the devotion you give it, you are close to Enlightenment, by the Sheer Joy of "Taking a chance" you have confidence in;

and in a small Crossfade of Ambient inner energy, you will be comforted by using "free will creatively" not negatively, whatever the outcome you will feel better for it:

So I hung around and soaked up the details of my surroundings, and saw my Flight path had OBSTRUCTIONS that you don't see on Google Earth (where you plan the GPS path of the Drone flight with LITCHI the software I use to Programme Flights in advance on my 34' ULTRAWIDESCREEN Monitor, in the wee hours I dream of Flights to the Light...

so I had to Edit parts of the flight-plan to Clear wires and Yaght Masts, cos I wanted to GO LOW, but that is full of risks, so I partly copped out and added more altitude or less where it was Critical.... did I mention the filter, O yup I did...

Lord Deliver me to YouTube in a good codex, its all my heart's desire... 

So I had to Go into this busy Restuarant and hunt down the Guy in charge, as I wanted to "Take off and feature His Pub in the Drone Vid" it was only good Manners to Ask, I could not have done it without Aquiessence, So I went to the Bar (didn't buy a Drink either) and asked this Young Gun "Can I have permission to film your Pub from Above with a Drone?"

"Whatsit for, Whos it for?" Just YouTube for fun... I answered, 

"well we had drones here before and it caused a fuss, he looked into my eyes and saw the sincerity therein, and said,

"Help yourself, don't crash it into anything valuable..."

so I went to Roll a joint to calm my nerves in the Car, and did X2 flights efficiently in 10 mins, after landing I packed up and drove away, feeling very contented and fulfilled, I surmounted all the problems that I was going to just drive home because of, and overcame it and completed my intended task, with help from Above no doubt, Maybe My Mum Flys My Drone, in spirit, at least it gives me a chance to get close to Her again...

Inspiration is the Cure for all Mental illness, ART is the Cure for a Bad Life.....

Take a look, is this a slight improvement on the previous crap I have uploaded, frankly "I Love it"



Sunday 23 June 2019

GPS of the Heart

Emsworth, is a Pretty little seaside town on the south coast of England, I moved there at age 6, from NZ, it was a wonderland cornucopia of happy memories... hence the reason I got up at 5am to go there to do some pre-navigated flights Courtesy of LITCHI, the most elegant APP available for Up-Market Pro-Drones...

since getting it, I have had more fun flying a Drone than all the years before, Flying Live is HARD and easy to have fatal Accidents (for the Drone) if you're not super aware, I have designed many dozens and probably hundreds of Flight plans, but only actually done 10 or so...

it's like a first Date every time you go and do a flight, the Possibility of losing your Valuable Investment in a Mudflat through Negligent operation is always uppermost on one's mind... I already got through 5 Drones because of Idle stupidity, the cost is irrelevant, but the regret is Costly in so far as you always get relatively mediocre results... and feel like a dick when you tried so hard to get it right... and fucked up a Tad...

Any-How Here is Today's Retarded effort, lots of little mistakes make it a poor result, but in the Spirit of Open hearted humility I submit this for your Amusement, I wanted to do this for Months but only recently have had the energy to GET UP AND GO DO IT, For anybody who has This little town in their Blood, like me its acceptable as a Crumb from the feast of recollection... 

a Reminder of things past lost and long gone... I was looking for the Ghost of the past, but all I found was the present... an augmentation of emotional Memories and a place in Time, a long lost time, that looks just the same, though all the characters that made it alive for me then... are Dead.

Never underestimate the Power of Sentimentality... enhanced by Mortality strong Drink Pot, and deep breathing... its food for the final Heart-Attack... it is the emotion that kills you...


Friday 21 June 2019

silent solstice

So the summer starts its slow demise into Winter, "to-Day" the quiet Solstice comes silently like a thief in the night, it's all downhill from here... the midpoint between 2 Equinox, maybe the last summer of Freedom, if Iran keeps Goading the USA like nasty Children poking a dying dog, there is no Low they won't Go to...

enjoy it while you can, if another "great war" was to come, after a very short time people will kill you for a bottle of Water, its not the war doing this, but the anarchy it invokes in the population, its not the enemy you need to be afraid of, but your own people fighting for food and fuel... roaming the streets armed with crude weapons yet enough to make you give them what you were going to eat...

we may wander into War before winter gets a chance to reach us, if agent Orange (Trump) loses his temper with the spiteful people of Iran, they are asking for it, sadly I think they are gonna Get it... so as you spread the sun cream on your burning skin, far away dominoes begin to topple the futures of billions, ultimately the consequences don't really matter, what will be will happen anyway... 

its only human nature to tear your opponent's limb from limb into mince sized pieces, it has always been this way. there is no stopping the Momentum of anger and hatred like a massive Ice shelf falling in on itself where every good intention is drowned out in the violence of psychotic Primal fear in the Peasants, that's what War turns you into 'a human RAT without a conscience' 

Thursday 20 June 2019

Pineapple Enema

I've been getting deeply into to fresh Fruit, last night I ate an entire Pineapple chopped it up and cut into bite-sized pieces, I got carried away n didnt think anything of it...

Until I had a little Stomach cramp at about 4.30ish, I could feel a full Rectum so I went for a Poop... Oh what dump I had, it was like Molten Lava from Vesuvius... in total I went 6-7 times after that every half hour, till eventually, only clear water was coming out, then I realised, 

Pineapple Juice is an Enzyme just like digestive Juices, if you drink too much of it it will digest your gums! so we were in conflict all the way through the digestive tract, I shat my heart out, My ass was sore as hell...

but that's what you get if you use Pineapple as an enema... now my guts feel fresh as a Daisy

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Bad Weather Forces Hibernation

More Womb time than expected... I can't get outta here soon, but I am ready to be born again, rather quickly... The shitty Pissy weather prevents me from enjoying my New clutch, which has at least 100k of wear in it,...

But I am having a private one-man party instead... the doors to heaven are always open to the lighthearted... even if all you have for friends are bed Bugs and spiders, or lucky enough to have a real live living Animal/Pal like a Dog... the best people you could ever spend a life with ...

Hope Springs eternal, duh... it's just great to be conscious and in a good body that has no pain... is a sanctuary for any life form...

The best is yet to be but not far off... DISCLOSURE WILL BE UNIVERSAL... The dead come back and the past is relived all over again,

wot will you do differently this time, Chances are you will do it the same, Coz Losers never learn:

AdGuard Ad Blocker

Do YouTube and many many sites annoy you with endless Bloody Adverts? like it did me for so long... I tried AdGuard free for a month and was GOBSMACKED how effective it was/is, so I bought LIFETIME PROTECTION for only £30, for LIFE!!

NO ADS ANYWHERE to waste your Data, the BULLSHIT CEASES altogether FOREVER, you'd be a Fool not to even try it, 

The Deeper you Go the Better it gets... as you will find out:
Get it HERE

Thursday 13 June 2019

Liberated from the Horizontal

Got a Call at 12:34 "your Car is Ready" such wonderful words, all I had to do was gouge out a part of my flesh in Monetary terms, as in Merchant of Venice, in which I once played 'Antonio' and Ironically 'Launcelot' as a Negro from Jamacia!! on the professional Stage My Dear... yes indeed, but 99.99% of all Would be Actors FAIL, fresher Meat is every-where, Younger prettier and with a Ton more Talent than One... Ahem..

the theatre is the largest Whorehouse in the World, every one of em would sell out in a second... its a lottery of Prettiness...

So Me n My baby Boo went drive about, the new Clutch is as smooth as silk, We did a trip to the Supplies Store, and got much-needed foodstuffs for Both of us... what a thrill, I got a nearly New car with an extended lifetime...

Mind you it cost 15 Ton + VAT, but now its done I don't feel the Loss somehow, I will soon be back on top, though I am still in the black, Coz I dont use Credit, x30 £50 notes, worth every penny, He showed me a PIC on his Phone they took the entire Engine OUT Dropped it I should say, I was aGhast it seems very Cheap now, I think I got a great deal Actually, + a Warranty, the last 2.5 days were Hell, mind you it has been Raining Hard so that lessens the Pain...

Monday 10 June 2019

A Low Blow Killed Houdini

Had a bit of a knockdown which was hard to negotiate emotionally... I got an unexpected Thump to the rump when my Baby Merc Clutch finally started fading, and the hard glove that hit me is the Bill, a Very lot of folding paper money...

the Number is immaterial but the blow to me is quite Scooping in the finance dept, but very Do-able all the same, though it does mean I will have to Skip my weekly visit to the Kindergarten Whorehouse 'as I call it' for 10 days, absence makes you Harder as paratroopers say... I still got Plenty of rubber to fuck around with, n at least 2 Ltr of KY Ahem... 

In my many years of frustration, I have myself actually made HOMEMADE VAGINAS, out of all sorts of materials, including Chicken wire and carved Mahogany with Catuss Roots for texture, one thing I have found that is ESSENTIAL, IS the substitute PUBIC BONE, without it...

it just won't work, your brain needs that assurance that only a PUBIC BONE will give... that sends that 'This is either a real Vagina or one very much like one' that stretch not just of Flesh but imagination... into believing an illusion, just like the 'real-thing' guffaw...

Soft Silicone is the Ideal Material after many years of experimentation I can put my hand on my Heart and my cock and tell you this is the Best fake "BLUBBER FLESH FATTY ORIFICE you can ever get Acquainted with... as long as you follow the rules, you won't know the difference in the dark, x4 2mw LEDs achieve "body Temperature" in 11 mins...

Always use a FRESH FEMDOM the greatest invention ever for lonely old Ejaculating Wankers, who still have plenty of Sperm to spill... fit it into your BESPOKE HANDCRAFTED CUNT, pull it through, and add a touch of spit and Lemon Juice for your after Orgasm Cocktail, mixed with Vodka, drunk directly from the hole without a soul....

that's how I deal with Worries, I just Embed my entire brain and body into a state of Sexual Anticipation, even without a Goal or legitimate hole, add a tad of Self Hypnosis, and you'll wonder why you ever Married a human 

when in fact a 2 Kilo Block of silicone will be more fun and more faithful, than any FAT ASSED BEOTCH with smelly messy periods leaving Blood clots all over your Pristine all white Penthouse home... and stinky Vaginal discharge on your Bently Steering Wheel...

You much better off Masturbating than FUCKING HUMANITY, it's cheaper Faster Smoother wiser and Economically a double Plus, anyhow by Wed this week I will be Driving again HOORAY...

Wot saddens me is the Droning I am missing today... the trips into the fields and cliffs that surround me... soon we will be free dont worry about anything, that is my point Duh...

Friday 7 June 2019

Robots will be our Angels II

the Terminator has a heart of Neutrons
only a selfless Robot can beat our enemies

BTW: this is my own personal 18' Terminator £94.99 with glowing eyes if you touch the side of his head momentarily and press gently, they stay on for 30' sec, The Wings I got from eBay to put around the MERCEDES Triangle on my Boot/Trunk made of alloy, I just put the 2 Together and Hey Presto we have a camp slightly Gayish Terminator, I love it, has anyone done it before?

PROBABLY Duh... Never delude yourself you have an original Thought, as it has almost certainly been thought of before... But Good Luck anyway... you may be lucky? Genius is the Lottery of a finely tuned mind...

Thursday 6 June 2019

Creative Anxiety

"Dont Trust the Living..." I love the Dead can you blame Me? they dont disappoint. they forever INSPIRE those left...
You couldn't hope to meet better people than the burnt broke and croaked, as diffused as dust but somehow an influence for an extended time, in that mystery that is potential memory over time via "popularity" some live longer than others and in the flash dried vacuum packed Cryogenic daydreams of Egotists, your flesh can survive "indefinitely"

BUT: There is no De-Frost for Headless Corpses, Imagine waking without a BODY after 100,000 years of Sleep, What a waking Nightmare it would be, and they will say "that's for being a cheapskate" you should have done the Body too, but you didn't...

but, Dont worry; by then they will just grow a complete Body compatible to you alone via Stem cells, those clever little miracles of self-replicating organic Machinery of Androids like us, but Why would you want to go back and live a First chapter incarnation again, but with all the Knowledge you can still recall, there is something important you are Missing?

Dont you want a more advanced life without a Body? as was intended, do you want to be stuck in the same dimension forever? by the third repeat, you'll be sick of luxury and meaningless pleasure... Because You won't be working in the Rice fields, you got the wealth to buy the "easy life"

you better think again, or Ego will strip your Brain of any sense of Security, The Greatest wish is "A Life Without Pain" 

Living again as a Human is a COP-OUT, how long do you want to stay SAFE? Life is about suffering, without it you are ignorant of Joy itself, it is the trials and tribulations over the course of a Life that makes you WHO YOU ARE, it makes or breaks you, adversity is the stimulus required for life-saving creativity... under Stress things Break, dont you, go an extra Kilometre in the snow to find your way home... Where the one you Love will be Waiting, 

but you get to Your Log Cabin and find Your Loved one has been Raped and Murdered, and your 2 small Children had their Throats cut, Who do you turn to?.. you talk to the Dead.

a Spoilt little prince with no concept about the reality of Mortality is an empty vessel, without a Heart or Compassion, Isolation is asphyxiating, only shared Experience has survival Value... Loose Blood, Give Blood, share Blood... Without shared responsibility and Familial consideration for Others, we are Nothing...

how Long do you want to stay "Retarded in your personal Evolution" MOVE ON to pastures Cosmic and intrinsic, The Dead will never let you down... but the living will kill you to take what you have, the flesh seeks endless pleasure, the spirit seeks Love

they don't double Cross you abandon or Forsake You


(that's a Paradox Baby!)


Proof I once had a Face in 1989, My girlfriend Marie
From PARIS....

Monday 3 June 2019

Droning at 5.30 am

I just woke up full of Enthusiasm @ around 4.45 am, as per usual, and I had an IMPULSE to SEIZE THE DAY as they say, in Latin... (Carpe Diem) thanks to JT for my seeded deep fascination in that Ancient tongue... She was a Scholar who had a wad of POSH Knowledge...

in fact I remember almost 30% of everything we Shared... she was an Old but Faithful Dog... 3 Laconic Paragraphs Deleted and Excreted...

I woke up and WANTED to FLY, it was a summer Morning the Light was direct Bright and Perfect for long shadows... I have the feeling of an almost limitless Explorationary power to See, wot I could not see before, to go where I have only dreamed of Going...

Unfortunately, I fucked up again and had to Wrestle with the Gymbol because I used INTERPOLATION AGAIN DUH... I am not explaining it... but every flight I am Learning, making new Pathways in my half useless brain... it is happening, data bit by bit... Accumulating into GigaBytes of recorded Footage... 

Here is today's 5.45 am offering...

At Least I had a Go and completed a half-formed Thought into actuality from un-reality... i.e. the Thought Drives it alone. Dreams on their own dont reach reality... they are the Daily Abortions that could have had a Life of their own, but you didn't get out of Bed in time...

Sunday 2 June 2019

Pigging on the Red N

Even though I have N I hardly ever Bother to watch ANYTHING on it, as I get bored very quickly you can surmise where its going and it starts to get irritatingly predictable... trying to Thrill you it actually gets tedious... so few people have the right Varients of Believability and uniqueness to make a Story COMPULSIVE many try few get near it, 

I want the fucking TRUTH, Estranged Beauty lost causes and Redemption, hang on there wild Hog, Oink Oink... if the Truth is stranger than fiction, then fiction is just poorly told second rate Lies... for Morons... 

Anyway, let's not get Vitriolic and start Declaiming the great Achievements of others... Nevertheless, I went to N for the usual 5 min audition, then get back to the Net in general, But Last night I got that tingling feeling which makes you want to keep watching, the essence of my Interest was CHRISTINA APPLEGATE, even at 47yr old, but still very enjoyable to just "Perceive" Her Acting is Faultless, She has a little Scar on the Brow of Her Nose by her left Eye, which Endears Her to me a Lot, So the series BINGE I had was...
(20 cent fanfare)

"DEAD TO ME"... (only on N) it was pure Histrionics as far as the Story goes, just one highly unlikely happening after another, carefully Wittled into a tongue in cheek piece of failed comedy, but The 2 Gals got my sense of disbelief to extend beyond my criticisms, I watched it all in one Visceral snack filled Night until sunrise and beyond...

I may watch it all over again tonight, as there is no so-far 2nd Series.. ho hum... I had fun that still malingers