Sunday 23 June 2019

GPS of the Heart

Emsworth, is a Pretty little seaside town on the south coast of England, I moved there at age 6, from NZ, it was a wonderland cornucopia of happy memories... hence the reason I got up at 5am to go there to do some pre-navigated flights Courtesy of LITCHI, the most elegant APP available for Up-Market Pro-Drones...

since getting it, I have had more fun flying a Drone than all the years before, Flying Live is HARD and easy to have fatal Accidents (for the Drone) if you're not super aware, I have designed many dozens and probably hundreds of Flight plans, but only actually done 10 or so...

it's like a first Date every time you go and do a flight, the Possibility of losing your Valuable Investment in a Mudflat through Negligent operation is always uppermost on one's mind... I already got through 5 Drones because of Idle stupidity, the cost is irrelevant, but the regret is Costly in so far as you always get relatively mediocre results... and feel like a dick when you tried so hard to get it right... and fucked up a Tad...

Any-How Here is Today's Retarded effort, lots of little mistakes make it a poor result, but in the Spirit of Open hearted humility I submit this for your Amusement, I wanted to do this for Months but only recently have had the energy to GET UP AND GO DO IT, For anybody who has This little town in their Blood, like me its acceptable as a Crumb from the feast of recollection... 

a Reminder of things past lost and long gone... I was looking for the Ghost of the past, but all I found was the present... an augmentation of emotional Memories and a place in Time, a long lost time, that looks just the same, though all the characters that made it alive for me then... are Dead.

Never underestimate the Power of Sentimentality... enhanced by Mortality strong Drink Pot, and deep breathing... its food for the final Heart-Attack... it is the emotion that kills you...


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