Thursday 20 June 2019

Pineapple Enema

I've been getting deeply into to fresh Fruit, last night I ate an entire Pineapple chopped it up and cut into bite-sized pieces, I got carried away n didnt think anything of it...

Until I had a little Stomach cramp at about 4.30ish, I could feel a full Rectum so I went for a Poop... Oh what dump I had, it was like Molten Lava from Vesuvius... in total I went 6-7 times after that every half hour, till eventually, only clear water was coming out, then I realised, 

Pineapple Juice is an Enzyme just like digestive Juices, if you drink too much of it it will digest your gums! so we were in conflict all the way through the digestive tract, I shat my heart out, My ass was sore as hell...

but that's what you get if you use Pineapple as an enema... now my guts feel fresh as a Daisy

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