Thursday 6 June 2019

Creative Anxiety

"Dont Trust the Living..." I love the Dead can you blame Me? they dont disappoint. they forever INSPIRE those left...
You couldn't hope to meet better people than the burnt broke and croaked, as diffused as dust but somehow an influence for an extended time, in that mystery that is potential memory over time via "popularity" some live longer than others and in the flash dried vacuum packed Cryogenic daydreams of Egotists, your flesh can survive "indefinitely"

BUT: There is no De-Frost for Headless Corpses, Imagine waking without a BODY after 100,000 years of Sleep, What a waking Nightmare it would be, and they will say "that's for being a cheapskate" you should have done the Body too, but you didn't...

but, Dont worry; by then they will just grow a complete Body compatible to you alone via Stem cells, those clever little miracles of self-replicating organic Machinery of Androids like us, but Why would you want to go back and live a First chapter incarnation again, but with all the Knowledge you can still recall, there is something important you are Missing?

Dont you want a more advanced life without a Body? as was intended, do you want to be stuck in the same dimension forever? by the third repeat, you'll be sick of luxury and meaningless pleasure... Because You won't be working in the Rice fields, you got the wealth to buy the "easy life"

you better think again, or Ego will strip your Brain of any sense of Security, The Greatest wish is "A Life Without Pain" 

Living again as a Human is a COP-OUT, how long do you want to stay SAFE? Life is about suffering, without it you are ignorant of Joy itself, it is the trials and tribulations over the course of a Life that makes you WHO YOU ARE, it makes or breaks you, adversity is the stimulus required for life-saving creativity... under Stress things Break, dont you, go an extra Kilometre in the snow to find your way home... Where the one you Love will be Waiting, 

but you get to Your Log Cabin and find Your Loved one has been Raped and Murdered, and your 2 small Children had their Throats cut, Who do you turn to?.. you talk to the Dead.

a Spoilt little prince with no concept about the reality of Mortality is an empty vessel, without a Heart or Compassion, Isolation is asphyxiating, only shared Experience has survival Value... Loose Blood, Give Blood, share Blood... Without shared responsibility and Familial consideration for Others, we are Nothing...

how Long do you want to stay "Retarded in your personal Evolution" MOVE ON to pastures Cosmic and intrinsic, The Dead will never let you down... but the living will kill you to take what you have, the flesh seeks endless pleasure, the spirit seeks Love

they don't double Cross you abandon or Forsake You


(that's a Paradox Baby!)


Proof I once had a Face in 1989, My girlfriend Marie
From PARIS....

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