Monday 24 June 2019

Best Day of My Life

Well Nearly... and its still happening, I went Out to Do an evening Drone shoot, one I had planned and adjusted "Hundreds of times" weeks ago in the middle of the night... since I got my Advanced Drone, the sky is the Limit so to speak, and my enthusiasm equals a Grooms Hard On on Wedding night...

the best bit is... you never get to come... it is a constant promise on the edge of Ecstasy, that is almost perpetual, like being on a Spiritual "PLATEAU" where Joy continues moment after moment exactly like the Buddha or a Frog jumping successfully to a Water Lily... time after time, a certainty of Happiness fills your chest with Love and Hope and Friendliness...

what happened?... I got Blessed from being just Depressed... and found something to get immersed in, my Blog is a part of it too, a place where I can Dump it all by the Art of Regurgitated self-expression... I Enjoy so much, Gratification is always with me before the event... 

Sorry IGCA (I got carried away, wouldn't you!) this evening @ 18:20 I went out (28-mile roundtrip) to DELIBERATELY DO SOMETHING, I made up my Mind, like a Cruise Missile: as they say, to fulfil a Previsualised Completion in actuality, by sheer will determination and planning: it feels so good to be Equalized and ALIVE with "Plans and Visions"

I got there and CHICKEN OUT IMMEDIATELY, the place was filled with rich posh People lots of em, and I felt out of place and not confident about my little Pre-planned flight's of my personal Pheonix, i.e. in Daydreams you get to live and learn to fly... the complex path of a sentient entity through T. S. time and space, where you finally LOCK ON to a Stimulus that Revives your flagging soul... when your Heart has a Focus that returns all the devotion you give it, you are close to Enlightenment, by the Sheer Joy of "Taking a chance" you have confidence in;

and in a small Crossfade of Ambient inner energy, you will be comforted by using "free will creatively" not negatively, whatever the outcome you will feel better for it:

So I hung around and soaked up the details of my surroundings, and saw my Flight path had OBSTRUCTIONS that you don't see on Google Earth (where you plan the GPS path of the Drone flight with LITCHI the software I use to Programme Flights in advance on my 34' ULTRAWIDESCREEN Monitor, in the wee hours I dream of Flights to the Light...

so I had to Edit parts of the flight-plan to Clear wires and Yaght Masts, cos I wanted to GO LOW, but that is full of risks, so I partly copped out and added more altitude or less where it was Critical.... did I mention the filter, O yup I did...

Lord Deliver me to YouTube in a good codex, its all my heart's desire... 

So I had to Go into this busy Restuarant and hunt down the Guy in charge, as I wanted to "Take off and feature His Pub in the Drone Vid" it was only good Manners to Ask, I could not have done it without Aquiessence, So I went to the Bar (didn't buy a Drink either) and asked this Young Gun "Can I have permission to film your Pub from Above with a Drone?"

"Whatsit for, Whos it for?" Just YouTube for fun... I answered, 

"well we had drones here before and it caused a fuss, he looked into my eyes and saw the sincerity therein, and said,

"Help yourself, don't crash it into anything valuable..."

so I went to Roll a joint to calm my nerves in the Car, and did X2 flights efficiently in 10 mins, after landing I packed up and drove away, feeling very contented and fulfilled, I surmounted all the problems that I was going to just drive home because of, and overcame it and completed my intended task, with help from Above no doubt, Maybe My Mum Flys My Drone, in spirit, at least it gives me a chance to get close to Her again...

Inspiration is the Cure for all Mental illness, ART is the Cure for a Bad Life.....

Take a look, is this a slight improvement on the previous crap I have uploaded, frankly "I Love it"



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