Saturday 29 June 2019

Continuum Alpha Theta

Man, I am Stoned on Life, everything is so beautiful, every thought is Ascendance like a balloon carried on hot air, bouncing off the floor, back into the Air... Deep joy is in every Breath, who can say they are truly content?... I can and mean it... coz I am Droned again hic

My life is a lily pond and I am every Lily in that pond, I don't have inestimable riches, but I have more than sufficient to keep me warm fed happy and contented...

I am my Toys, my toys are me. with their help, I can be happy and free... today is an exception the HEAT is oppressive neither Me or Boo like it at all, it drains You of energy, BUT I do go to a Drone Shoot (not the one below, that is Yesterdays DS) but another lovely place, an Arboretum = a Garden of Trees from all over the world, we go there a lot, and it obviously occurred to me to Drone it deeply...

So I did go there although tired, but it was full of half naked Trippers in Camper Vans, and I didn't want to start a RIOT... so we had a walk Boo had a Poo, and we Went home, but I left the drone in the Car in case I get the 'tingling" feeling to Shoot, a visual Orgasm... at sunset like the one Below, but

I got it all Wrong, the sun dazzled the Sensor, and it's pedestrian and tedious not to mention somewhat boring...

but in the spirit of sharing Failure with an occasional humdinger, I rest my case... at least "I had a go"... the essence of life's purpose... each failure is a Golden lesson in the search for 'perfection', to Dream the Impossible Dream etc...

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