Thursday 13 June 2019

Liberated from the Horizontal

Got a Call at 12:34 "your Car is Ready" such wonderful words, all I had to do was gouge out a part of my flesh in Monetary terms, as in Merchant of Venice, in which I once played 'Antonio' and Ironically 'Launcelot' as a Negro from Jamacia!! on the professional Stage My Dear... yes indeed, but 99.99% of all Would be Actors FAIL, fresher Meat is every-where, Younger prettier and with a Ton more Talent than One... Ahem..

the theatre is the largest Whorehouse in the World, every one of em would sell out in a second... its a lottery of Prettiness...

So Me n My baby Boo went drive about, the new Clutch is as smooth as silk, We did a trip to the Supplies Store, and got much-needed foodstuffs for Both of us... what a thrill, I got a nearly New car with an extended lifetime...

Mind you it cost 15 Ton + VAT, but now its done I don't feel the Loss somehow, I will soon be back on top, though I am still in the black, Coz I dont use Credit, x30 £50 notes, worth every penny, He showed me a PIC on his Phone they took the entire Engine OUT Dropped it I should say, I was aGhast it seems very Cheap now, I think I got a great deal Actually, + a Warranty, the last 2.5 days were Hell, mind you it has been Raining Hard so that lessens the Pain...

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