Friday 21 June 2019

silent solstice

So the summer starts its slow demise into Winter, "to-Day" the quiet Solstice comes silently like a thief in the night, it's all downhill from here... the midpoint between 2 Equinox, maybe the last summer of Freedom, if Iran keeps Goading the USA like nasty Children poking a dying dog, there is no Low they won't Go to...

enjoy it while you can, if another "great war" was to come, after a very short time people will kill you for a bottle of Water, its not the war doing this, but the anarchy it invokes in the population, its not the enemy you need to be afraid of, but your own people fighting for food and fuel... roaming the streets armed with crude weapons yet enough to make you give them what you were going to eat...

we may wander into War before winter gets a chance to reach us, if agent Orange (Trump) loses his temper with the spiteful people of Iran, they are asking for it, sadly I think they are gonna Get it... so as you spread the sun cream on your burning skin, far away dominoes begin to topple the futures of billions, ultimately the consequences don't really matter, what will be will happen anyway... 

its only human nature to tear your opponent's limb from limb into mince sized pieces, it has always been this way. there is no stopping the Momentum of anger and hatred like a massive Ice shelf falling in on itself where every good intention is drowned out in the violence of psychotic Primal fear in the Peasants, that's what War turns you into 'a human RAT without a conscience' 

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