Wednesday 14 August 2019

Grinding Grief

I am constantly writing to alleviate the pain that is dwelling deep within me, a pain so Gut deep it is grinding me to Pulp and dust, I can barely breathe Yet BOO no longer Does at all, I was 7 times Her age yet I still Meander on, Where is the Place where rest is to be found... huh 


for the wicked... the greatest Punishment is self-loathing that will not let you be at ease, as the knowledge of your own Idiocy got you here, and the pain of the emptiness will never let you eat or draw a full breath again...

Guilt kills me, I had the equivalent of 17 beers and KALUHA half a pint, yet I don't feel Distorted or Drunk just AWFUL and EMPTY...

HEY, I didn't ask you to read this did I? Take your Hate elsewhere...

In Memory of Baby BOO

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