Wednesday 14 August 2019

Afraid to Sleep 4:23

its 13 hrs 15 min since Boo Passed, she is still in the back of my Car getting Harder, I am Frazzled Exhausted and ready to fall asleep or Drop Dead... don't mind which if I get some peace and rest, My heart is disintegrating with every beat... there is nothing to live for any more:

let's see what transpires... I'm not looking FWD to Anything anymore: but will try to Keep the pecker up and stay reasonably Cheerful to people who dont know me, but inside I am Screaming for Boo to come back to me, remembering the long cuddles and embraces we had during the Thunderstorm of the 12th, we were tight together in my bed for at least 90 mins, the sweetest Joy you can imagine...

God have mercy on my wicked ignorant soul...

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