Friday 30 August 2019

Yearning for Glasgow...

Dont ask why but before I die I gotta go back to Glasgow The deep shithole that it is... O but wot a wonderful Gutter to be washed up in, a place of Cold hard indifference to any individual, You need MONEY to survive there,, and way back then I had none,...

It has a wonderful Mystique of so many wonderful places, it hypnotizes anyone who explores it, I was a Bottle a Day Alco Holligan nut case who lived on 70p a day... a Tin of beans and one roll with a Triangle of Dairylea Cheese was all I ever ate then... in

10 Willowbank Cresent, 2nd floor, almost 2 years of poverty Squatting and starvation, but I loved it... no more than I deserved for all the wrong I did while Drunk to good people who tried to stand by me...

I let em all down, as a total waster and Poriah to polite society, a twisted fuked up asshole without a goal... like so many wasters on our streets today...

I yearn To walk the streets of Dear Old Glasgow to see the layers of difference from my time to this time, so many lost people walk like ghosts there, I know, Coz I was and still am One of them... so many lost souls go there for a Future, and only find a past....

after leaving Drama School I went totally inward and found nothing but Disappointment and endless heartbreak, a Good Kid Called Janis tried to rectify my latent idiocy but I was Blind to guidance... and Her Humanitarian Goodness because I did not know who I was or where I was heading...

Glasgow is a City of Beauty and Heartache you can never shake its fatalistic fragrance from you, Glasgow becomes a part of your soul long after leaving, its Dust never leaves your lungs, Good Bless BYERS ROAD,

I will Come back to you in a Cold Sweat of a Dream, 40 years later, I will stay in a grand Hotel, which I can freely afford, for 2 weeks before I crumble like a digestive Biscuit, and sleep in the Car instead...

I want to do a Last grace show called the face SUICIDE LAST TOUR OF UK, and then Drive at 60-70 mph off the Cliff at Dover or Hastings, Coz That will make me COMPLETE... a Girl I Love is so lost in the Future She wouldnt even recognise me, but its not about ego and recognition, its a gift to the beauty that was given in the past... 

Repaid in Full... Payback is a Bitch But am happy to GIVE IT ALL... I got a Pot of Gold for anyone who cares to Request it...

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