Saturday 31 August 2019

Super sleeping

I try to keep busy all day until Exhausted and flagging, with a little help from Hard drink in tiny amounts, and a few beers, Mary Jane, and Tramadol (pain killers) they help for a while till you wake up ALL OVER AGAIN with the same visions running through your Brain...

I go to bed when I am completely Flaky and Tired... then sleep as long as possible, and then some more... I can average 14 Hours in broken sleep's with breaks for the Toilet, then back to the "PIT" as My late Father called it, as I was always fond of Sleep, Death is not such a big step beyond Sleep, do you see that?

I Need LOVE Tactical sensual Non-sexual Affection in cuddles and Snuggles, like Boo and I had in abundance, I miss Her tiny body in my Home, I feel so Alone, all my enemies are Celebrating, let me warn you now...

Karma is the Bitch from Hell... coming to ya... this is How a World War Starts, an unforgivable Grievance that leads to miss-understanding, without The kindness of a parent, but the rage of a wild Child... Like China is Displaying in the SCS (South China Sea) only a Fool makes War at a time of Great wealth, Money alone will be the factor in the decision of the reason why we won't n don't go to War...

Because everybody wants the GOOD LIFE... not starvation and strife... just begin to consider the UNKNOWN consequences? can you? no you can't... it would be the End of Life on Earth... and no more Pleasure, that is one thing all cultures gravitate toward, Except the brainless Taleban who think Death of all things is the best thing...

They are Mislead deceived and corrupt beyond reckoning... The Realisation of What Love brings to a Person is all we need to see that hatred = Immorality... Love is the greatest freedom of all... it brings the dead back to life in sacred memories of Joy

It is so hard to Love but so easy to Hate, 
hence your imminent fate:

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