Thursday 29 August 2019

Killing time

Killing time, Until time Kills You, Dont wish your life away for a day that may never come... Dont distress yourself with ever repeating visions of sadness, you must accept the terrible irreversible truth, and find a little gladness, in the midst of bottomless woe, 

nothing much means anything anymore... yet in this state of mind you do see a clarity that merges with reality, and moments at a time you "forget" and release the gut deep anguish to the four winds, to fate and infinity... like the flowers on a grave slowly Dies so the rain and tears you cry become mixed and merge into normality, and one day without realising, you are "over it" like a fatal love affair that went wrong, but now and then the thin glass charade of your cool exterior shatters into the truth,

Tears and Chocking misery "out of the blue" This recent loss has Focused my spirit and awoken my trembling tiny life through the Shock of such a personal Spiritual emotional Disaster, at least she is Safe from this wicked cruel Earth and most of all Me... Regrets of this magnitude are like scabs and scars that won't n dont heal, they are the kiss of the Real, in a mind that was mostly sleeping...

Now Awoken in a High definition field of self-loathing and Nausea, Dear Danielle from Brooklyn must have lost her Dog by now? Bless you both, time both kills and Heals such a paradox!


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