Saturday 17 August 2019

The Wasteland of Misery

The Landscape of 'Human' Heartache is a very Rugged Terrain indeed it can be insurmountable, no 4x4 can ever get you over it... sometimes you climb, and others You fall flat right on your face and hurt like a Kid crying for it's Mumma, Worst bit is... You will never find what you are looking for,

THERE ARE NO MAPS, Gps is useless... it's dark and there and no Streetlamps or guide rails, you feel your way like a limbless creature crawling through Synovial fluid in a large lake without a Bottom where Creatures will gobble you up piece by piece... and relish your destruction,

One thing I thank Boo for in abundance is the food of Expression via words she has opened deep within me, and now She has Awoken me to life by Her Death Its a cold bucket of water but what a Blast of Sheer Shock to the system...

Yesterday I took Old Andy my Pal to Hospital but after 40 mins he was stressed out and wanted to go home, I dont mind that much as I am grateful to be Distracted in any way by Keeping Focused it really helps a lot, I am grateful to chance and Emotional logic by exercising my Free will with varying degrees of relief and understanding to 'control' my mind and the course of my Soul...

So by sheer Synchronicity Serendipity and sheer Will power, things are beginning to take shape; so much significance in things that have recently happened, As Andy was in Accident and Emergency I took the opportunity of the Proximity to Guildford Catherdal to Go there and Relax, it was very Edifying and Helped so very much... I lit a Candle for Boo, and took some Pictures, can you See anything unusual in any of them, I'm playing wid u

Hava a Look, Shot With my NIKON DSLR 24.7 MP 

I felt the Presence of Pe@ce in Staccato moments a few moments one after the other... Diminuendo 

Wishing all those who seek release from Sorrow, every time you feel the fear and misery just be thankful for the Mercy you have already received without even Knowing....

Pain Educates resets and actually Heals you as your spirit is beaten upon the Anvil of a Master Craftsman... until you are reformed 

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