Saturday 17 August 2019

gratitude for Mercy

(writ 36 hrs ago before publishing time)

Call it what you like Deathwish, whatever, the greatest true intention is TO GET OUT OF HERE, with money and a Good Wardrobe... (thats a Joke? you go naked when Cremated) plus Extras, deep inside the desire to LOSE IT ALL is predominant in manic depressives,,,

Suicide bombers get the shortest haircuts and limbless Expectations.. but a small Dog can melt your soul, if you seek Joy forget it...

Death is the Trigger of a boobytrapped Puppy who steals your soul and haunts your every mortal Vanity, loss is the physics of insanity... how can you lose that which is a part of your body yet still live...

IN PAIN with blind eyes, broken hearts are the caravanserai of limitless endless loss, walking in circles on boiling hot sand, kill me please, I don't want to Dry out and Cry no more... I want RELEASE n PEACE

Kill me "How much is a bullet? be merciful between the eyes if you please: put me beyond Misery and let me Grieve no more... paradise has a messy ticket... but it dries out over time...

All I know is I Know-nothing, About anything, so please dont believe me, I do not know if I know what I know if it is anything worth a Shit?

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