Monday 19 August 2019

The Originator

In the jungle, the invisible one, cutting a path through the impenetrable swathe after cut and you get a few feet FWD, lost in the jungle of 5g 4g and advertisements that tell you nothing but keeps you anesthetised, all the while in silence Animals are suffering needlessly...  

Sorry, yeah as if... hear you think... but through this Process and Her Sacrifice I must take the baton and initiative to go on and do better... or it all stands fo NIX... I will not give up slice my Wrists and Die! I will be a MAN like the boys who gave up all they had on D-DAY... it all equalises in emotional terms...

Sorrow is my Greatest ever inspiration, Turn Pain into Soul Deep Expression and What have you GOT? Art the endless desire to capture the TRUTH in another FORM... and recreate it in another dimension...

ART = IS PAIN otherwise it is excrement. there is a lot of Shit that passes for Art, But I am no longer unkind enough to Hurt another's feelings, so NO NAMES Tracy...

I may finally get a 15 min Standup together, coz I know some of my Good Stuff really Rocks n Shocks... it is so POLAR OPPOSITE of how I feel as a Monic Depressive it makes total Sence,

Apparently STEVE JOBS last Words to this World were...
Wow Wow Wow... So glad he got Connected...

Lets Hope, WE DO TOO always be ready to DIE ultimately it's no big deal, you won't know you ever lived in the first place... the Dichotomy is it is both assuring and Alarming, the duplicity of Human need part hope part dream... what is real has yet to be proven, as the popular theorem is all life is an illusion, di you ever hear such nonsense... come on

Death is the paradise you dread but will love forever, it is the best sleep you ever had... or ever imagined... No more bullshit just paradise

Thank You BOO I writ this because of You, 

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