Tuesday 20 August 2019

Recounting last week today

It is exactly a Week (Already) since Boo died on my Bed, to the Minute to the hour, at time of writing it is 2:40 She was gasping for breath this time last week... This will be a Hard day.

So I went out early to DRONE alone, and CRASHED? Yup Really totalled my Drone, there was an Error of Ground elevation and it flew right into a Hill... and ended up on its back (just like Boo) too much undulation of Ground clearance, the whole terrain is very Hilly.... my Mistake....

Well I got a Trip into 2000ft of farmland Huffing and Puffing all the way, I had ITS LOCATION on my Tablet, but I took the wrong Path and was stopped by a River, No sign of it, I must have Trudged half a mile, in the wrong drirection, coz I wasnt thinking like this time last week...

So I studied the Location of the Drones last signal, and drove back a mile and went on a Field farm path for a good 3/4 of a mile over Muddy land in my Car, and I COULD SEE IT IN THE DISTANCE, just where the Tablet Map had told me... and I did Find it, and it was still Functional!! the blades had the signs of Greenery on em, it took about 32 min from loss to finding it, I was not troubled one little bit, I accepted this fate, but so very glad to get it back, unlike Dear Boo...

So I Tested the Drone for Functionality, and it still WORKS? so I flew a few hundred yards and put it back in its case... and drove home, I can hardly believe it was a week ago today that Boo Left life...

So now I am Drinking a few 4.8% beers, and waiting for another delivery of ANother DRONE, a Fantastic tiny Sophisticated Camera Drone mind you only 720 HD, its enough for all I want, internal tracking shot INSIDE CHURCHES and close to the ground, it is virtually indestructible and Hardy... Dolly shots are what I need this one for... You'll see in time what I am talking about, 

in the meantime, the subtle sense of endless eternal loss fills me with the greatest loss and Sorrow of all my life... but Am trying to carry on with all the Help of a few unseen Prayers from strangers, In spite of everything It was a Good Day as can be expected... from a State of Loss that cannot ever be Resolved, just acceptance and subservience to fate

Todays Video is the crash hava laugh on me, it took me about 35 mins to find it, O Lord thank you for your Mercy...

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