Monday 19 August 2019

New Day New Life

Working hard at keeping the avalanche at bay, letting it cover me from time to time... I had a death deep sleep went to bed at around 6:30 last night and apart from 2 trips to the Bathroom I got through to 8:40am, marathon rest deeper than midnight blue...

Any How a few Decent Folk have assisted me with a moment of distraction, and I have never been so grateful for another's company.... however brief. there is no Hand Wringing and Falling to pieces, I believe my visit to the Cathedral was a great help, I think an angel came home with me... and sits beside me....

Ahem, So I went Droning yesterday, but it rained, I went twice, but it rained again, so I went today just to Fly somewhere, Anywhere to keep me Occupied, and trying to be normal... that is a while away from today... I am Shocked with my own control of the situation, but its a tightrope at moments I can barely draw a breath, but one thing is Clear Her Death has woken me up to Life...

Here is today's Video...


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