Tuesday 27 August 2019

Learning to Die...

You better Learn to Die, or how will you ever appreciate what it is to Live... Im not trying to be Cryptic or Obscure, the living are so ignorant of Death they approach it with Fear and Complete ignorance... without being helped by factors of reason or even exploration into the possibility of Survival from one life to another?... Show me the Way +

The whole of one's life leads to one irreversible conclusion...  one day at an unknown time you will Expire, (Sell by date achieved) They should teach the Many reactions to the death of a loved one "AT SCHOOL" 

The finality of utter physical dysfunction and Death no less, children have no conception of it, so TEACH IT, HOW?

That is a Darn Good Question... "Kill a Bunny Rabbit in front of them, Cut its guts open and drip the blood on their hands..." Blood n Guts are How n where the miracle of life lives, Of course, that is an extreme example, but it is a viable postulation... I do not Advocate Cruelty, yet am guilty of it... in so many ways... 

By ignorance and indifference... same as you, take care you give all the comfort you are capable of to those living things you "Say" you love... so much love is Shallow and in so being Cruel, if you love it has to be ALL THE WAY with every good intention, God forgive me... I fell short:

Got a spare Bullet? shoot me when I'm not looking

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