Tuesday 2 July 2019

Women Show the World

Who could believe this even 15 years ago?... half the world is watching very Skilled Women play astounding Masterclass football, I want America to win from Kick off, I am not actually sure why... but it feels well placed, 

This is doing a course in condensed education, that so-called 'weak Women' are actually much more legitimate than the cheap games Men play feigning injury to give the team a rest, these Great girls have innate integrity that all Men lack... 

there are no 'Vindictive fouls and outbursts' like the retarded animals with Hormone anomalies and half a pound of Soft Cock and Big Balls to contend with hanging like a dead Monkey Between your legs... the bone of contention is the Urge to fornicate, (even Ugly women where and whenever every hole is a goal...

Impeccable Sportsmanship and natural Dignity in healthy Humane competition, have you ever seen the like? this (I am watching while writing) its already 1-1 and I didn't think England would even get that! but who knows what will happen now...

Just seen the USA get 2nd Goal, I think that's it for us... Don't wanna Write any more on this, just Want to watch True combative Athleticism at its finest... What Men miss is This... its not about Muscle Power and arrogance, but more, Patients Grace and heartfelt Passionate intent WITHOUT MALICE or vindictive spiteful nastiness, I'm Lovin it...

Go America, You deserve a Natural High after all the shit you been through since 2001, If Men learnt to play like girls, Sport would become the only true Religion... One thing is Certain This Promotes the supremacy of the genes in gentle souls for the struggle to attain Acceptance as an EQUAL to all of the rest of Mankind, who in fact are INHUMAN mostly... Women show the world 

Fair play every Play, never be a sore loser be a Quiet winner internally, even if you die trying... hold no hate to the Victor, but Humility and determination for another chance to 'Try Try Again" and to Rightfully hold on to Hope with a chance to ascend

now its 2-2 for England but then Denied 
Our collective Goose is Microwaved into History.. we are just the Juice that Marinades the Winners, who actually cares that much

But fuck me what superb entertainment '-'

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