Tuesday 2 July 2019

Fuck me; wot a Day...

Oh my giddy Crimson Christ, wot a fucking day of foolhardiness and forgetfulness, I went to do a Shoot early morning, at that place I mentioned last week, it went well, I got home put the SD card in to get the file, and in a moment of time dilation (idiocy) I accidentally DELETED it...

I went into Anaphylactic Shock, realising I could never retrieve that one and only video, so I frantically looked online for "Un-Delete software" and bought one, which did not function as promised...

So I let Boo Sleep, and went out and DID IT AGAIN, yes I had to go and do it all over again... I cursed God and went back to re-shoot it, was I pissed, you bet I was, so here is the Video of the Second identical flight I did this morning... look out for 3 little white birds on a tree, they are angels come to see what all the fuss was about

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