Wednesday 24 July 2019

Retrieved from the Dark

Whoa as soldiers say or something similar... as they go into combat and ready for action... I went back to my personal Viet-NAM = BOSHAM and did the entire flight and filming all over again... because I Lost the previous due to a KNOCK OFF SD CARD with no mind or memory at all...

So with due dilligance, I gave up my relaxing morning Wank and went Fly/filming instead... I got there set up, connected, uploaded the flight data to the Drone, and pressed "Play" and it went up an off on its own from a flightpath I drew months ago in the deep winter... 

the NOT THINKING PART is what I enjoy the most... the thinking has been achieved in the past with great detail and heart deep consideration... when you just press "GO" it does "your Will" any mistakes are all yours, a cool head in this heat is hard to have, I pity Poor Boo who had to wait all of 11 mins while I set up and let this baby go.... 

but I did Park in the deep shadows of high trees to keep us out of the Sun, as it was 27.5c in the shade... Man Boy Girl, it was hotter than Hell... I pity my American Pals who have twice the temperature and humidity we endure...

it's not very unlike the Moon Missions I watched with my Dear Nana 50 years ago this week, I miss the past, as there is so much I missed when I was there... I remember the night we Watched it together... Dear Nana I miss you

The faithfulness of this little technological wonder Bird is staggering... I didn't lose signal strengths at all and I was behind 55ft trees... in the central car park... even up to 4500 ft away I sill got Video feed? through buildings and trees? all the way round... DJI are the best most dependable Drones "IN EXISTENCE" no cheap drone can do what this does HANDS DOWN its an AVITAR of the imagination... it will see what your eyes can never see except at "Great Expense in a private Helicopter, and they are not allowed to fly as Low as Drones do!!!...

think about it... this beats a Polaroid instant Camera every day of the week...

It took AMERICANS To Imagine it invent it master it and MAKE IT, Most things we Enjoy Today are all because of the USA, God Bless em, it will be a little while till the video is uploaded coz this time I decided to do it in Full HD not a 720 'time compromise" for convenience, this Shoot is Not too fukin Awful, when I set up my tripod to hold the 10'1 Tablet, and connect everything for a brief moment...

I Think Of "Vincent" for his poverty and humility and wonder if I too could make a masterpiece, every artist wants to be seen but Art is for the Heart and all the rest of the senses, yet the ART OF THE HEART is the greatest Art of all.....

Come back later to see my Little video, if you want to make me feel good give it a thumbs up... (I always dislike people who ask for That, but I am a prostitute of invisible Joy if you finger the mouse to click my Spiritual Dick...

HERE it is in Real-time not FFW like last few Vids

Thanks for hating me, you bastards...

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