Monday 22 July 2019

Duplistic Day of light n Dark

Well it's been a time since I got out of Bed and went Droning, about 8 days approx... I feel "Compelled to do it" Uh?... yeah, it overrides my internal spiral into inactivity... it Scares and Excites me a LOT... but can be so rewarding when all your pre-planned routes are correct and have no obsticles, but you never know, thats why its...

ALL OR NOTHING for every flight, the Anxiety you get when arriving on a "Totally digital and theoretical Aerial route"... its alarming in so many ways, but like real life the fear of failure is Acute; if you crash its = FINITO, get a new Drone, well like I told you I got through 5, Cheap to very expensive Professionally made Flying Vehicles of incredible potential Visuals, so now I am super anal-retentive on every curve and flight plan, Often checking them probably approaching 100 edits... some a lot more...

But there is a lot of Crap that happens too like today, first I went to ITCHENOR QUAY, as I like the Seaside and small coastal Villages/towns, but I had planned to do X3 flights today, but the stress of actually doing it is very intense, so much so on the second Flight in another coastal village called BOSHAM (pronounced BOZEM) I feared losing my previous flights Footage on the mini SD card, if the Drone should Crash, so I put a spare Micro SD card in the Drone, so I would at least have the one flight I did get in the Can, BUT... the Second SD Card was "DEAD" the drone tried to warn me, with a constant Beeping, but I just wanted to fly,

It was trying to tell me THIS SD CARD DONT WORK BUDDY... but I cancelled the warning and flew anyways, (Next time I will React) and now having got home I See there is No recorded file on the second SD Card...

Its not so bad, I still got a DRONE, but I didnt get the footage I was watching live which looked amazing... the card is Kaput, I should have tested it but you trust things out of bubble packs dont you?

I was Pissed alright, but I consider the positives and the Joy in my heart to counter the negatives, I will go back and DO IT AGAIN like I dun before if you read this fukin blog, No problemo, anyhow what I did Shoot and KEEP will be posted here a bit later...

It will be a few hours till it gets edited and uploaded, but it will be here my only video of the day, a place called ITCHENOR (pronounced ITCH-EN-OR) be patient and save your Kisses...

for much later... ''~'

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