Thursday 25 July 2019

Heat Paralysis

it was 77f at 6.30 now 3.37 its 85.3f and a Fan is saving my life... no, going anywhere to do anything today, roll on autumn... when you can wear thick baggy clothes, and look less alarming to others

today is for half-naked Slobbing with an 18' Fan for company, Boo is Lethargic and refuses to go out, too hot to wank and or fly...

I have been planning a flight that is the most diverse and dangerous (for the Drone) yet... it is mesmerising putting all my faith in it that it can pull it off... it covers a 650ft Hill covered in trees, with a Highway running beside it, the route requires it to use Satellite 'Ground elevation' in the algorithm of the flight plan, it does say on the route that in fact, it DOES... it is a very Cheeky flight... almost certainly Illegal... with a minimum Danger to the Public, ahem...

its my Magnum Opus Magnum of Drone flights, I am also into doing Cathedrals too, by stealth of course... all in the planning... but so "Exciting" forbidden even, I like that!... somewhere you have Zero Jurisdiction or Permission to hover and Look... but who cares actually? minimal risk maximum Reward in Playback, anything for a good shot...

it's hunting without killing
it's harmless and Thrilling...

This is How the Fearless do it... with racing Drones and FPV: this requires the reflexes of a Mosquito to avoid WIPE-OUT, this I will never achieve but I dont mind, one tiny bit... I am content '-' how many people can say that and mean it?

Go Pro Blow Your mind... get ahead of your eyes the simplest things can Fulfil you... the Wonder of a Child keeps your mind Young-ish... '-'

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