Sunday 23 December 2018

Midwinter Superhype...

Christmas is almost upon us, what a great way to celebrate the worst weather of the year... it's fun for the young (under 50) but it turns into a Hall of Mirrors that can be a horror show, as the memory of things past, Eclipse the same timeline in a parallel time before in the mysterious Veils of memories still living decades later...

wot do u give Someone who has everything Except; humanity... " a Bible or a Bullet?" 

you want to give something more valuable than anything material? give the ultimate Quantum Gift...

GIVE TIME and GIVE YOUR HEART, TO THAT TIME: Like spiritual community Service.. with someone who would deeply appreciate and need it... Give the Jewel Tiffanys cannot stock, Give something 'selflessly' without a second thought to yourself...

GIVE LOVE, if you want to make peace and un-fuck yourself, it is available (Instantly) by act of will and Soul, but it takes high Horsepower and self-control...

it is The greatest Gift Instinct teaches us... Time Patients and Love, like that you give to a child... see the infant in an old soul and lift that life with a 'moment in time' you never regret being Kind, it's actually therapeutic and life-enhancing, 

it is about the moment of recognition when you realise how lonely existence is without just an essence of goodness and purity running through you like "warm" molten Gold... when you can share with impunity true human unity if only for the moment it takes to feel it...

life is a Moment made of many moments, like a patchwork quilt that keeps you warm on long cold Winter nights...

Hope you dont get hungry crestfallen or Lonely this particular cycle of the internalised periodical paroxysm of sentimentality...

I dont know you but I wish you Well... 
Especially those who hate me...
you are most Blessed of All

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