Wednesday 12 December 2018

Dynamic Statistics Speak

Numbers are everywhere, the exact amount of intimate incidents could be calculated, the hours since you kissed a Dead relation, are absolute and finite, agreed, BUT, nobody is recording them... it's all guesswork,  and conjecture uh?...

when told how many of his Own People had been liquidated, Stalin the Murdering Simpleton Retard Paranoid fuck up, that he was, Said something like  ''one Death is a tragedy, 20 million is just a statistic... 

mind you I heard that old Walnut maybe from a Chekov Play... or some other misleading output of Propaganda, I dont think Stalin was as Eloquent, he was after all the most Accomplished, Paranoid Psychopath whoever convinced the Lumpen Proletariate that He was the Loving Father of their Raped and trashed Culture...

Only He Knew what was Good for the People 'Beneath' Him, He was probably Murdered by His Staff, (who gives 2 hoots, the Pigs vagina is Dead)

Numbers are everything when you are just a Zero... So-Called Civilised Society's of Europe, have prided themselves for Centuries and preened their Cultures into Iconic Relics of a previous Time... also modernised and updated their infrastructure to be more efficient and Modern, town Centres all over Europe are Beautiful open spaces of beauty and Wonder, not any more it seems...

How do you Restrain the Hate that makes you want to Kill other people?... that's where Civilisation has gone so Wrong... where is the Anger going, being Suppressed, that leads to the High detonation of pressurised explosives, from within the Human Heart! of all places...

Western Democracy is no better than a 7 yr old Child, it gives in and complies to the Paedophile who tells them to "keep it our Secret" then opens the sluice gate of inferior people to come into our advanced Culture, and to eat it away like Mice on a piece of fast diminishing Cheese (space)... Our Collective corporate Culture is being Raped back to the Stone-Age..

You have to admire the Great Chinese People, who deal effectively with Usurpers and Misanthropes...

And then THEY BREED, OK let em in but put a number on Offspring, (I Know this upsets the simple people as it inferred unkindness and preferential racism... Quite so Bo Bo, your not so accommodating and intelligent as you thought you were... 

you must be partially Racist if you want to live in a mature Human Race fer Chrissake... but these Usurpers and infiltrators, are filled with so much Islamic Dogma Poison and nonsense, frankly I would rather they sterilised them on arrival if they have to stay, they already bred a Hive of Kids coz they breed in Ignorance where they have no Family Planning.. just recurrent LUST...

Same goes for American White Trailer Trash, who are first Pretty 16-year-olds, who get fucked by Cousins, get pregnant, then get grotesquely obese... as they overeat while feeding baby, who only grows up to be Jailed at 12 for muder...

Crap Breeds Crap, and Romanians Ought to be completely ethnically cleansed, they are the bottom of the human Cess-Pile... so I hear from their Behaviour Throughout Europe, living slime Moulds whos life has only one purpose, To suck and to Leech steal and rape, then Shit on the Floor like a wild animal...

EUGENICS sounds ~Awful; BUT; it has been done in Animal production, we are the breed that Needs significantly Culling, and Channeling by a supreme breeding program, where only the best are born to live a more useful productive life, it will be almost 500-1000 years till they realise, there is no other option, 

Sorry; I must speak from my Heart to the remaining Free thinking Souls, Get a Gun of torment and Cleanse the Filth from our Land's... And introduce the wonderful "One child Policy ALSO for Us!..."and Forced Abortion on the second pregnancy, Third attempt Capitol Punishment for The Man and the woman, Publicly By Guillotine, Televised for the Rest of the ~world to Enjoy, as Justice is to be relished and broadcast, (i.e. this is YOU if you dont comply)

Hey, this Blog was supposed to be about when I tested My Urine in a Purity Machine... but I got railroaded by anger and frustration, 

To Cure the Riots in France, Announce on Public Radio and TV, "Marshall Law is being introduced" anyone seen throwing any kind of missile WILL BE SHOT ON SIGHT" no apologies, Conquer = Concur, with reason or be slain... You will be to blame, and your actions have no goal or Aim. Duh;

FORGET POLITICS and GOOD MANNERS, Show these Scum there is a High price to pay for Unrest and vandalism, You will not bring shame to the most perfect City on the Earth, Paris is to be saved, not turned into a Western Beirut, Get Real start to properly take control and Feel... SAVE PARIS from itself:

NOW BY FORCE, ONLY FORCE WORKS: send them back into the Woodwork...

No more Riots, Just dead assholes...

vive, vive, vive la France, 
mon coeur c'est moi


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