Saturday 10 December 2011

The Politics of Beauty...

A Diamond perfectly cut is theoretically beautiful for all of eternity.. but there are many levels and interpretations of both beauty and eternity.. a Raw Diamond is an ugly unsophisticated rock, but it has the potential to be perfect... from an eternity it has already lived.. to another aesthetic eternity... Modified by Deceiving arbiters who are the supreme court, of the Privileged.. How many times have you been influenced by people who don't know the truth?... but pretend to know what a truth is?... the truth of value and worth..

it is only defined by our imposition of what beauty should be.. because Beauty is the rape of ugliness into a form we all understand?... all the little people who have no evolved mind think beauty is "unattainable and indefinable" it is not.. it is the potential of it that we all aspire to, but Humans forget in the crazy fornicating days of Youth; what a power it has over our collective conciousness, we are so ignorant that we believe a Bentley is beautiful, or a Dior Dress or perfume is what the sophisticated rich are able to have... we want as well..

Poverty is the greatest of Riches, Ugliness is the best of all beauty... Why? because it has "unseen potential to satisfy a probing mind to think all that glitters is good or Gold'... I don't believe it is... What is obvious to a rich man, is nonsense to a poor man... only those with nothing, actually know the truth, only the poor know the value of NOTHING... and in a world of hunger, Diamonds are actually worth Less..

only the poor in spirit and their sacrifice of finance know the true value of everything.. we the poor, pay and continue to pay for the aspirations of the greedy to believe that the ugliness of greed which is a dissemination of Raped Beauty, like when you cut a diamond, every diamond has been worn away into an acceptable THING...

like Human Beauty, true beauty is the potential OF IT not the final chiselling of it.. Raw Life is an uncut diamond... like the raw mentality of madmen like PUTIN to steal an election, and to steal his way to eternity.. he has no future..  He is a badly cut diamond... his life has very few days left.. but another Asshole will fill in where he left off... Where it the truth?.. not in Islam or Christianity..

The only Absolute TRUTH is "there is no truth from a Human mouth" nobody has the right to change or rape the truth, like a diamond is..

PUTIN will be assassinated just like STALIN was.. "mark My Words" we have the right to kill the bad people.. my friends are already planning it... the Good Russians Who have access to that bad Bastard...  will delete it/him...

Humanity is a terrible pervasive illusion, there is no Actual Humanity or "right way" it is a abnegation of information... where Religion exits, Corruption Exists..

Beauty Is Justice... Physical Beauty is still powerful, but the beauty of a single Human Soul can change the entire Structure of civilisation, unlike a Diamond who is useless, A Diamond has no mind... but a Mind has more potential beauty than any piece of a Jewel.. when cut to a certain dimensions, organised life on planet Earth = a Cut Diamond.. it disseminates the rough/ from the smooth..  

There is no future: except the future you MAKE with bombs and murder.. Beauty is the need to Erase the scum of waste... Hitler was 30% right.. but he killed the wrong ethnic group, he should have erased the the right people, i.e. 

everyone who dont look like us.. but who really looks like us?...
EVERYBODY.. so cut a diamond corrupt by just being CUT...

= we are all uncut... we all have a value, but sadly that value is ZERO...

Get used to it.. You are Worthless so to am I.. life is a battle between being and almost being... but dont get excited YOU are nothing.. just like me:

Beauty is the magnificent seducer the great rapist, we are all victims to the promise of pleasure.. and sadly we all fall on our back with our legs open..

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