Saturday 20 July 2024

World Wide Wipeout...

You saw it, that was a test to see how effective it was... next time there will be no final fix... but bubbles of non-interconnections, everything you own and possess can be taken from you while you sleep...

things are getting very scary, for individuals and complete networks of organisations... you should get Paranoid ASAP... as fear itself can save your life, but only momentarily... 

Now "they Know" their Bug works over all the Earth... next time there will be no way to pay for the food you need, and however rich you think you are... you will be electronically Crippled... Start Keeping Cash as a habit... or you will leave Walmart's very HUNGRY... in your Luxury Car going home to an empty empty meaningless Mansion...

and Hunger is the one thing that sends people dramatically Crazy/insane, they will Shoot you dead for a Packet of "Snap Tarts"  hide your food and hide your heart in deep deception, as people take advantage of descent honest Folk... never tell the truth to a thief...

you must learn to be Wicked, just like the filth that stork the good people... and there is no happy ending, only Anarchy of feral humans looking for everything you Got...

they will Eat your pets your Children and You, as you are old and too Chewy to eat first, but your turn for endless torture is coming... and it started with a Downed Internet beyond repairing... we will roll back to CB Radio, but the airwaves will be so overloaded with criminals, you might as well just talk to yourself... forget God...

your on your own, this is when HOPE slowly expires...

NEVER UPDATE A MICROSOFT PC... it can be a disaster, updates can totally Muck you deeply UP... take my experience and word for it... it made misery for me 3 years ago, I had to change the HD to a copy I had previously made, it would not let me in at all...


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