Monday 3 June 2024

Give me a Desert

And I will give you a self sustaining perfect society, Give me 50 Square miles in a flat Desert, and I will take humanity to the next level... we dont need Communism or Nazis, we will only take hard working good loving kind and generous souls who can always reach out to assist one-another...

like the original Pilgrims used to be, the very core of selfless decency and an almost Holy sense of purpose to fulfil our needs, mental physical cultural and metaphysical... Like indigenous Indians Had 6000 years ago, a culture built on honour and respect...

we will Aquire an old submarine Nuclear power plant for our basic needs, we will make bricks from the sand of the desert, and windows too... infrastructure will be donated by world Manufacturers like BMW BOSCH NEC IBM WALL-MART, this will be the Bomb of a perfect uniform life-form, human 1.0c only joy and happiness is our Credo... no heart goes hungry for Love in our "Crystal City"....

we will harness all tornado's and dust devils, sunlight and fallen water, we will also drill deep into Aquifers that exist everywhere, depending on how deep you seek.. we will also get Geothermal heating at such depths, 

we could have out own Law Structure, based on Marshall Law, if you fucq with us you get a quick .22 in the back of the head... we dont need troublemakers as the CCP calls them...

But Hey no JIM JONES insanity...  just Jesus madness lol... Oh god save us from your Saviour... and his Fanatical fuck ups with the minds of Ferrets... down a deep dark hole...

Deliver USA from the infestation of lesser low life who has no respect for the hard Work America did for this Crappy World... what War was ever worth tempting The greatest nation that ever existed into a mutual Suicide, all I ask is make it a quick strike... I dont want minutes of anxiety and worry, please kill me quick...

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