Saturday 9 March 2024


you can say worry keeps you busy... while you scare yourself half to death, when things get out of control with things just out of your reach, it keeps you itching and a twitching... it's a bitching state of mind, its like having your head stuck in the devil's Butt... where it's hard to breathe let alone swallow or even talk... what is there to say...

when you can utter nothing... what use are words anyway if only as confessions or prayers to save your terrified spirit as you tremble in fear of the next moment losing your grip on the window ledge on the 23rd floor...

you want to lose weight find something to worry about it will prevent you from resting at all, and it puts you off food and fun in general, as a neurosis at least it keeps your fingernails short... and your sphincter healthy... such are the benefits of misery... 

those with no home worry alone...

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