Wednesday 14 August 2019

Please Kill me

I will pay you for it in a Will... just please dont let me live any longer, I DONT LIKE IT, it is too painful and utterly MEANINGLESS, I look fwd to a world WAR, just so I can lose my sadness and sanity in one Round of Ammunition... Please blow my brains out, so I dont have to fake thinking anymore...

take off the Safety catch, Prime the Barrel and hit me Square in the Crown of the head, Don't leave me living, please leave me for total DEAD...

these thoughts keep running around in ma Head, dont leave me wounded, do me deep in the Head, it is all I ask of You kind Stranger...

My reasons may be perverse and twisted, but I Hate life so much all I a wanna do is Die, With maximum creative 400,000 fps as my Skull Explodes and liberates me from the bullshit of life in Higg boson pretending to be a reality within another...

No bullshit equals the Truth of a Child stolen from you, your innocence has been corrupted by Lust greed and Money... the truth is not sacred, it is STOLEN...

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