Tuesday 13 August 2019

Digging a Grave in AM

wot a lot of fun, at 11 pm + to Drag the corpse of my Beloved to her Grave in the Moonlight... are you kidding? all those whom I asked to help have declined, how much deeper into disgusting death and misery do I have to Go... alone thats how...

the little Gal who saved my Shitty soul is hard dead meat in the back of my car: going anywhere has no meaning to me anymore at all, I am Embracing DEQAWTH (the software version of it) the men who said they would help me did not

so in the Early Morning, I will do it all alone, still with gratitude residing in my heart for the last one I will ever love so completely and so deeply, at least I was loaned a Chrome Shovel that will cut the earth asunder, Lord have mercy

At the same time, I am not to keen on living any more, which is understandable but Persecution kinda makes you live on beyond you sell by date, in spite of Hate! and all detractors...


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