Thursday 11 July 2019

The Nearness of God

I feel the great latent potency of Gods immediate proximity, for most of every day these days but much more recently... at a ~Peaking level that makes my spine itch and tingle... Good Omens Abound around me... I have a life of Leisure and Privilege, all I want now is a sex slave whos is Brain Dead, who I can keep in the cold cabinet, a re-animated corpse at room temperature who I can play with till she stinks the House out... or a real live looking Android with the transplanted Vagina of a Virgin...

Who I can train to Give me CPR when She gives me a heart attack from playing with Her finer parts... 

recently I have seen parts of life at particular times for the first time like a very late flowering Adolescent might do... i.e. finding an implicit Niche in my field of suppositions, One thing is very clear and IMMUTABLE, the past is what Death looks like... unchangeable feelings locked in a Memory...

and to look back into the past sends chills and frozen winds through the net curtains of your Holey Holy Only soul... the sum total of all your Faculties in one dot of consciousness, there you are, pleased to Greet You meet you and accept you... but if you don't get it Forget it...

the present is a moving wave and only gifted surfers survive the spectacular tumbles when expectations of one's abilities let you down, after so many tries many give up, Cowardice is Safety, But I decided a certain risk is a pre-requisite aspect of Youths Foolhardiness to stay ahead of the curve when Thrills are in question....

Oh yeah, I did 2 Drone Shoots and forgot to Post em... coz they are getting a bit tedious for my Devoted circle of Bleeder Readers, you drink the blood of my Brain replenishing the neurones that imagined it, Thanks a Lot... Suck you too if I had a chance...

Ava Gander my lovely Salamander...
Goodwood World Famous Racecourse @ 5am 

this is another I did around a local town, 2.6 miles from the controller! a study of 'Morning traffic' in a small country town... Mostly Midhurst @ 7:30 am

Ho-Hum better next time I promise.... at least I get close to God in this one... and kneel out of respect... bout time you did Huh?

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