Wednesday 31 July 2019

Google is GOD

Google 'Gives us the world' (maps Street-view) for Nothing... what God ever gives us anything as bold as that... never in the history of Earth 'as we know it' have so many people been so well informed, and or mislead...

The Truth is close at hand, any question accepted, any postulation credited life has never been so complex if you care to look just a little deeper than they did in 1960 for example, society was pretty simple, so were people,

if you are looking for a theoretical friend you "Got one in Google" only the people who feed it mislead it, looking for the Truth, and Beauty too, well they usually go together, it will try to Help you always...

OK Google is GOD, now we need a SAINT of our time...

Banksy, on the other hand, is a total ENIGMA wrapped in Humility, He gives from his heart, and what a Heart He must have... he Abhors EGO, in fact he has none, its inverted and internal, He has an attitude like a Monk who lives in a cave, whose compassion is a limitless selfless Gift to the World... 

with his handprints on the Wall for future Anthropologists to Marvel at, his work is Divine Desecration he turns the ordinary into the Extraordinary, granting it greater value as word and time move on, to the next street corner... 

Who could believe it, a Street Artist becomes the Prophet of our decaying disposition and dwindling morality or sense of fair play... the Truth is in the Gutter... and to Quote Simon and Garfunkels Masterpiece 'SOS' Sound of Silence...

"The words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sounds of silence

The greatest Artist of our Immoral time, who could make millions easily and SELL OUT... "don't you see the generosity of his Heart and ART" yet respectfully no-one has "OUTED" him in any Paper in the World, do you know Why?

OUT OF RESPECT for His CREDO, that hardly any other Human of our Segment in eternity has ever managed to Achieve, 

He may not be the son of GOD, But He is the True son of SOD, a Good Man from the Earth made of Dust, as Dear to Us as any POP ART DEITY ever was... but without an Identity we can recognise remember or imagine, he must be surrounded by the best friends a man could ever wish for, LOYAL FAITHFUL AND TRUE... Red White and Blue to the Bitter end

I hope they don't Crucify him
He would never accept a Knighthood, coz it would blow his Cover:

Google Blessings to Brother Banksy... x

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