Thursday 30 May 2019

The Power of Words VII

Words are linguistic Mathematics in Semantics the logarithmic Algebra of communication... via the software of an Organic self-replicating Meat and Bones Android... Metal is not the only construction material, DNA is DEEP MACHINE CODE: We really are the Aliens, with the power to persuade, in simple Words, the symbiotic medium of our Culture construct... i.e. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, the very tongue of Alpha n Omega, i.e. Latin reborn into a Scalpel of infinite reason that cuts the Good from the Bad

Yes, soft Power, Heart and mind Territory, just the Knowledge of the power of words and their suggestions is a lesson in basic Psychology itself, You can actually control another person with words, i.e. directions, Postulations, Projections, threats, Promises of impossible returns, You can hoodwink bamboozle and confuse, but they are still too embarrassed to say NO

shout hard with a Commanding voice and most people will stop and listen to You... this is the essence of Hypnosis and auto-suggestion, let's be radically honest, People are very fucking stupid en mass, the highest percentage you can imagine...

Look at Council Estates and trailer parks... and the Streets of San Fran, the Zombies = The useless people who seek endless gratification without limit, LISTEN if you are not part of the Whole, your an Asshole... if you cant help another who needs it for a few hours a week even, without helping yourself to them and their assets... Who the fuck is left but Beggars and thieves...

The Zombies are really Eating the Good People but without visible Blood or body damage... The Spiral Decay into mental obsolescence is saturating America first, the rest of the world is next, isn't it always... just like how we all got Coka-FUCKING-Cola, Good when it was first made, with a little bit O Mummas Helper, but now Rats Die when they drink it! and your Kids teeth Rot then they BLOAT UP LIKE WATER TOYS, 

The Power of ADS for a Big MAC with a free TOY just like they will be, America is the first True National Nationwide Example of Greed gone Crazy in every aspect of their imagined need to succeed like whales in a paddling Pool... too much is never enough in Pig Psychology, you just eat till you pop n rot...

One Man with the right words can change the world for Good or Bad, if the Lumpen proletariate is half asleep with untold desires of wealth and power, they better beware...

LOOK at COMMUNISM That was a crock O Shit, Look at Islam, That is a Crock O shit, MIND CONTROL VIA WORDS, and in the BACKWARD Minds of the little people, the disease of a pre-planned paradise seems Feasible... but; 

No Man is Master of another unless He is One's Father, One good Man in billions, Had great words, and people listened once... I forget his name, it's on the TIP OF MY TOUNG...

But Today Pleasure and gratification predominate over reason or sense of Humanity... The cosmos is based on consciousness so if you have the Desires of a Plutocrat, you are in the Wrong dimension Man... 

it is the RICHES OF THE HEART that makes one prosper, the learnt knowledge you accepted with Humility, Stop Digressing Impressing and Possessing and focus the only thing you have worth living for; with what's left of your Dignity integrity and conscience, how much Plastic do I have to get Through, Just to see you as you are... huh?

The Tragedy of Vanity is a slow terminal decline into dust, Love without Lust, is better than the last Kiss goodbye before a Voyage,

would you buy a Used Car from Me? or a complete way of life? I wanna be a MESSIAH you can Crucify me on Live TV, its worth it for the Repeat fees... and all those nice Gals to wash your feet, and relieve your tension...

but I would rather be Obscure in Infamy than Famous in Memory for being fried in the electric chair... But a part of me says it would go that far just for the Cudos...

How Much Spunk has this Guy Got!
a fuckin Lot more than you limp dicks...

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