Tuesday 22 May 2018

A Restricted Friendship

Having this Blog, to me is like having friends and never ever having to know them... a perfectly romantic notion to me... because I can deduce from Hits over "new visitors" that some people keep coming back which tantalises and thrills me, that I will never have to know them.. 

Thank God, or I would have to send em a Birthday card... and wot about Christmas... or Dinner Parties would be a Drag for me, as I always used to end up going Psyco and trashing the place; then hitting every friendly face I can find that is in arms reach...

with as much force and venom as I can muster, I Was so fucked up you couldn't take me anywhere.. that's What Too much whiskey does after a while too long drinking it... but that was half a lifetime ago, thank Crack (only kidding) These days have never been better than my twisted sordid past...

now I am a super nerd Pussycat with almost as much street cred in Tech and knowledge as a 13 yr old because I seek to be comforted, like we all do, in an I.T. embrace that will never end, in the pleasure of a
Perfectly aligning geometric union, with only a 17mbps connection to the wider world, as near to it as I want to get, as people bring with them so much baggage; not to mention Fleas disease and Faeces...

Yes, I am a humanitarian but preferably with rubber gloves and an oxygen mask on... touching unwashed peasants fills me with Dread and the horrors of the "Black Death" Let's hope Ebola comes to Europe and cleans up our cities, fingers crossed...

if ISIS wants to really Fuck us up that is an economical way to stop a culture, instead of suicide Bombers, let people who were deliberately infected travel to Europe on a Visa... what could be easier? but those Guys are too dumb to think of Bacteriological Warfare, they much prefer a big Bang... and a shower of Body parts, boring Bastards, 

People with no imagination become extinct just like the Neathandals who were too dependant on Brute force and unaware of the "Soft Power" of a sweet smile and Charm to overcome a frowning outlook. even with our tiny relationship, don't read me wrong: I am actually your friend, but I cannot tolerate other people, in near proximity, an Ironic Paradox. a Christian by Proxy in a Fallout suit, Who loves you, but don't want to get too close:

or You will get 
"Scabies Rabies and soon be in Hadies. 

+ Remembering Manchester TODAY 22 Dead for no reason whatsoever but blanket hatred, ACTIVE MALICE with no real target, that is the work of a Fool and a misdirected Madman, trouble is there are many more of them:

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