Sunday 26 November 2017

Chapters of Death...

Begin when your body is born without you knowing anything about it, from childhood to mid 20's you are carefree and vitally fit (usually) in body and mind, death is what happens to Other people... so far away you don't need to worry about it, and that's OK and quite natural...

cut a long shaggy dog story short... the closer you perceive the end getting the more you dwell on the deepest mysteries of life itself... Why where what and How did I get to be here? coz I think there's been a mistake...

and where am I ultimately going?... when you start to play with numbers you see how far you have come, at 64 you are pushing it to realise you have been smoking for 50 years! overeating for 20, and sitting on sofas and at a desk for 20, since your identity disintegrated sometime before...

you try not to dwell on it but you keep coming back to it, and the more you think about it the more you start to enjoy ordinary life and living... then when you get totally contented and finally in control of your life, you fucking die... 

when you think you have thought of every contingency you shit out completely, then as you die you realise it's too late to "Change your will" and you see a smirking slut at the foot of your bed, who is gonna get everything... then you asphyxiate and everything fades to black, and that's that.

Just your luck Huh... death is always one error away, turning left too fast without looking, going up a Ladder, just tripping on the stairs, "Death is one single Heartbeat away" for any Man Woman or Child, the day you expect to wake up tomorrow is the day you are Carted away on a Gurney, to lay in a cold room, like freshly slaughtered Beef;

But you don't get Ground for Burgers, sliced and diced for curry or goulash, you just get corporally erased, and your bones crushed to smithereens then scattered like an Ashtray after a lifelong party, where you are the last Guest to leave... 

Albeit in atomised form, what is left? Carbon the most useful atoms in the Universe, don't worry one Day you will indeed live again, though it be a Quintillion billion trillion years, you won't know that time passed, such is the nature of spirit and consciousness, like a smartphone you only begin to operate after a circuit is completed with electromagnetic energy. 

The chapter toward Death you are in is both the end and the Begining, uncertainty is the illusion only intelligence can hack, we are a part of all the information, there is a place in infinite space for you to eternally recycle, Your Mind may end but your thoughts still travel through the Universe; like Voyager I and II... one day they will both hit something; One day in a new dimension there will be a new Big Bang, and here we go again, just like it never happened before...

and Hey Presto... all of a sudden you are Born Again: ain't life a Miricle and a curse, for better or for worse, you will never ever Get outta here!... this is Hell; all fallen angels APPLY HERE, Ho's needed good bar peeps, and sexy Baristas with tiny titties, coz we love kids so do truck drivers; in to our country cabin.

come and conjoin via your loins... come and have coitus with a Lotus, love gives birth to the previously Dead. we are dynasties who get to be part of another Ham Sandwich with Mayo and Mustard... Eat yourself, you might as well?

Ironic innit?... 
you become what you defecate...

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