Friday, 26 August 2011

Garage Called..

It's gonna be an expensive week, the part's I had replaced 6 weeks ago, will have to be re-done... for a number of reasons, no blame here.. so I wanted to share a moment of dismantlement, with the collective sympathy that You very few souls give to me, when you HIT me...

every time I get a hit on this blog I nearly wet myself... and dance around like a 5yr old.. so to speak, (favourite phrase of the month) it either means somebody likes not me; but my beautiful children, "words".. if you love words... I can beat the Devil for Prose Poetry & Seduction.. in the exposition of a thought into a cadence and a river of conciousness.. that can wash you clean.. or clean away.. to use the "Machine code" of English.. to touch other sentient Computers.. with the Astounding Expressive Acrobatics of Pop art Shakespeare.. (yeah I am pretty fond of Myself huh? You already knew I was an ass hole, so it's no big surprise, is it?)

coz my favourite thing to do... is Blow people away.. with my love of explaining, & describing... the love of being understood, and to understand, how to feel... and be felt...

RE: Pulley:
Thing is.. it is Achievable not a terminal decline into the dessication of the persona, & death... hey it's only a Pulley system.. not the end of the World... but it is as nothing compared with the Peace Profound in the sanctity of ones healed living mind... 

You could melt Gold, in the heat of my Bullshit.. sorry ;) but is it really Bullshit?.. who gives a Fuck, it's 10th grade excellence if you ask me... and bordering on sublime entertainment...

Lets Write Together and make a (MO-VIE) baby..! or a baby movie, or just film an abortion and call it ART:...

Words are turned into Cities.. from Words are Wars, and a fragile Peace.. but Words are much more deadly than bullets, coz they repeatedly hit their target, over and over again.. they influence and conspire, to change the truth into a lie.. and a lie from Nature itself, (Religion) nothing corrupts or uplifts more than "a few words" 

Sorry gotta go out... God is on the other line... 


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