Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Global impending disaster...

not to mention Nature itself... a Butterfly's Wings in East Africa will kill us all... just like the wrinkled lips of an Old man called Donny... God save us all from his localised Mafia which seems to exist...

How can you Sack so many people and celebrate it... something is very wrong in the USA... what it actually is... Who can say... save us from the mean bitterness of a Nasty old poisoned geriatric...

from now on no more Presidents over 35... Old Men are too embittered to make rational decisions for the wide world, let alone America... We are witnessing a Disaster only seen in a Dystopic fantasy... it is the end of the World as we knew it...

x2 old fools dictate our futures... Trump n Putin... what hope is there for freedom from opression and injustice... anywhere let alone here! We are all SLAVES to the whims of Old Fools... lets be frank and doubt it no more...

its never been a finer time to Die... please make it painless...

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