Friday, 28 February 2025


Today has come: what a reassurance mixed with disappointment, the clock is running and your "time is coming" it gets closer every second left alone hours months and years, it is already here... it is stalking you without your knowledge...

for every Prisoner of conscience and victim of endless oppression this is it; another day in abject misery slavery and subjugation... You are a slave to sorrow when you cry and dont stop... grief consumes you like a furry Mould, so many worthless useless lives, just look at the Streets of America...

Dante's Inferno has come to life and lives amongst you, but most of all in the hearts of cowards and losers... like me... Hunger is no doubt the greatest pain of all, the need for sustenance and full tummy... how do you cope with such discomfort and pain? 

I guess you try crossing over thew border to America the Big Mothering Bitch with full tits and plenty to give... the Whole under-world wants a FREE LUNCH... can you really blame em duh, but let us be real...

mass invasion is very unsettling you can totally identify with Trumps Phrase said way back in 2016 "they are all Murderers rapists and Thieves" actually he wasn't far wrong... kudos to Donny... for saying what nobody else had the balls to utter, but that in itself creates unwanted conflicts both inner and outer... and initiates more conflict... based on discrimination, you cant deny it... but sometimes it helps results; and makes sense:

apparently we have 6 billion years till the sun runs out, but we only have comparably mini milliseconds to make a mark and or a difference, I call that almost impossible... if we cannot cohere as one in a true new world order, all looking after each other, if you spent the Money on defence on helping the poor and very ignorant people, we would have a slightly better shit-hole to live in...

Who is actually the enemy? it turns out rather surprising, it is the Peacemakers... Paranoia alone triggers the unstoppable... the mistake in reason and history all in one darn day...

this really is it, thank you Michael Jackson for saying it first we miss and love you, you lovable pervert... at least you didn't F*** my kids... 

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