Friday, 10 January 2025

Annihilation by Depopulation

Wildfires in L.A. brings the truth to the illusion makers... the fakers and takers who populate the City of 7000 Sins... here begins the new Holocaust, of all so-called civilisation... not just Hollywood, haven't you guessed it yet, we are being Bumped off, one by one, but sooner than the Guarantee estimated... not by bullets, but terrible fates abundant...

dont live in America coz the Devil is out to get y'all... by any and many means floods, Droughts, Ironically, hurricanes, flash floods, widespread wild fires that annihilate a culture Over-night... earthquakes, landslides, Oh boy thats too much for me... give me safe old Europe, but we got it too, only a bit toned down...

I just dont believe it, what has happened in the most Advanced Country in the Civilised World, they are being "cut down" by hopelessness alone... How is this Possible !... the scary thing about these Burnt down Neighbourhoods is all the big trees all around the burnt down houses... are still standing 'unaffected' go see believe me...

something Big is up to Happen, even bigger than War, it is the desolation of faith in your own thoughts and decisions... 

Welcome to the real truth beyond belief...

It is approaching... at increasing exponential speed... you (humanity) are being slowly and deliberately wiped out and torn apart... into subdivided diverse sociological tolerances that spark, pure ANARCHY, just wait for it; a month without power or internet banking will turn ordinary people into wild beasts who want the food in your larder...

then when they have eaten your food they will rape your children and film it on phones... and laugh about it...

Punks on Drugs are the new Terrorists...

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