Monday 26 August 2024

Unconsciousness is Bliss...

what does every drug addick Yearn for... what does every drunk long for, what does every suicide victim want most badly... total Unconsciousness... lets get real about it!

Beauty life and Youth is passing... only the broken soul remembers everything on rinse and repeat... the Slow Doom of the human mind ends in self destruction and vanity... The grave is the ultimate Cess Pit... proves you were no more than an animated piece of shit all along...

an inter-dimensional Interloper that did not deserve the moment of God given Nirvana, which they mostly wasted on Crack Smack Cock Pussy and expectations beyond their deserving... 

Who deserves a break most... the innocent and the Naturally Natural... a true soul with zero Ego, Like a Puppy or an un-corrupted Child who relentlessly trusts without doubt... those whom the wicked world steals every day...

Life is the speed of light bathed in photons and Neutrinos, every particle in existence is united and at one in time eventually all will collide into a greater mass... and be as one and all the cosmos will become one big black hole, where we will be safe from Tears and hurt... for a very long time indeed:

Amen, let there be Pe@ce in our hearts if not the whole world, the moment you want it, it is reciprocated in direct ration to your own goodness, there is so little left in corporate society all they want is your slavery to debt, and control of your tiny mind... I am not putting you Down, "I am Stupid Too"

there are no FREE RIDES to Paradise... you gotta earn it win it or lose it... for good... sending Blessings to all Why not you might be worth it, in the end...

I am with all losers all the way, just to keep you company:

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