Wednesday 31 July 2024

The Right Mistake...

we always hear of all the bad mistakes in any single life of many living experiences but can you Accept, sometimes you make the "right mistake"... Wot !

sometimes what looks bad at first glance can have a hidden blessing... quit-ing a boyfriend seems to be the biggest wrong mistake for single girls... 

dont make the mistake of being too straight or too Gay, you have less chance of being murdered; but if you are a reclusive Homo/hetro-sexual who makes an effort to look Ordinary... of any or either sex you associate with... be awake aware alert and alive... there are people out there who "want to take your life" for the thrill

live in an incognito that is invisible... and always carry a "Tool" to defend you at all times... or...

be a Monk who lives up an arduous mountain hilltop... you may never get raped, but you may die of hunger before loneliness... kicks in... 

whatever your final choice, be at peace with Now... it is all you got... dont play roulette against the joy of total internal freedom from woe... try hard not

it's route is directed by every choice you make, 
even if some are Mistakes: Some of your best mistakes lead you to where you are now... dont worry, your'e still going to hell... who ever where ever you are the morality of nature never relents...

you'r guilty as hell and you know it...
see you there suckers...

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