Tuesday 21 May 2024

The Day before Death

Theoretically it is always the day before death potentially, as it can happen at anytime... but it is very different when someone like a consultant neurosurgeon or other distinguished highly qualified Expert in that particular field... 

Tells you directly... ''I am afraid there is no cure and you only have about 18 Months to live...'' 

then the sense of the nearness of the end gets dramatically distended, and the ice cold touch of the Grave plunges its index finger into your quaking Guts... 

I was thinking about Freddie Mercury, in his last years there was a look in his eyes that he could not disguise; the Dread and fear that must have gripped him, having to leave the Party (life) early is awful... and what a Party he had...

to go before bedtime; long before your time, as you have an appointment with a premature destiny... and have to feed the Angels of Death that have become your live-in pets... they sit around your bed like Vultures never taking their blood red eyes of you... they can taste your fear, and they love it... dont let them scare you...

Where do you turn, that is the crowning nightmare of life for all of us, but we constantly put it off, always thinking you have more time left, like a spendthrift who deludes themselves they have plenty of money left to Squander and waste, only to suddenly discover, you are virtually bankrupt and you only have to the end of the month to pay up or Go Bust...

Poor Freddie, poor all of us, poor everybody and everything, like I always say "every life is a tragedy, eventually" you gotta Man-up and show courage and not fall to pieces, then when you see a Bumble Bee struggling to fly but to exhausted to carry on, you will feel the compassion of God running through you; out to; it; in sympathy as you become one with all the suffering of life itself, 

Tell yourself "it doesn't matter" it really doesn't... there is never a happy ending, it helps if you can Cry that relieves a lot of tension, but beware of self-pity, that is fatal... as if things weren't bad enough, dont make it worse, give thanks and be grateful for the little bits of Love you can remember...

Seek Sanctuary in Mercy peace and tranquillity... dont be bitter as that will keep your Soul in torment, you have to "Let it Go"

Paradise is just a state of mind...

as a lost child of Creation..

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