Sunday 5 May 2024

Every Life is a Tragedy.... II

We arrogantly look back at the dead, soon the living will look back on you... you are not here for even one part of 0000000000000000.1 per cent of the local eternal now.. Eternity is a concept of for always, yeah? Yet every moment carries the burden of regret, potentially...

and eternal regret just about equates to hell forever, it cannot be deleted or subdued, hence the endless Screams in Hell, one wrong decision sends you to purgatory indefinitely... like falling down a deep well without means of escape, but to expire after treading water for days, nothing to hold onto, only bottomless depths below you... the very thought, gives me the Willies from the Slaughterhouse, dead empty dicks thrust into your mind and body...

how can anyone figure out the lottery of Now, making the wright decision or the wrong one, such is the measure of intelligence I guess, Which I dont got....

You are Surrounded by a finite tragedy that unfolds like a massive Lotus, as we are folded back into the Earth as a plowed field of matter... Life is infinitely Re-Cycled so why not the gentle plasma vortex of the mind as well, you cannot hope for too much huh ?

Be Happy for Christs sake there is no tomorrow... when you die there was not even any real yesterday... as all things disintegrate... anyway, even diamonds turn to dust... accept the fate you were given and submit; thats the way it is/will be:

If you have any hope at all, please keep it to yourself, thieves steal more than property, they take information too...

God Save the Innocent: x

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