Friday 31 May 2024

Dying for the 1st time...

Virgins to the paralysis of the all consuming Demise of the living Body... take heed... remember your only dying for the first time... Abortions get to live again, coz they never got to live in the first place, who can reconcile that eventuality... Life is a SLAUGHTERHOUSE... much blood and tears are shed in private that the collective World of thought never considers...

Life is Grotesque and a contradiction in asymmetric mental conditioning... of the tribe/race Thereof, the Civilised resist the insanity of false information, they live to give love food and Liberty... the truth seems to be an impossible Acquisition... for closed primitive minds... thats not discrimination, that is the NAKED truth...

The Evil seek an impossible SINGULARITY that is not Natural or even actually Human, it discriminates... you cannot control people like enslaved doves that only and always fly home to even more subjugation and slavery...

the very Pinnacle of all Civilisation is to live in masterful Peace and Unity of co-operation and intent... if we cannot learn to love and respect each other we might as well commit MASS SUICIDE hey its a lot less harmful and CHEAPER than all out War... 

and it preserves all the beautiful Architecture... by all means keep a Gene Pool of Olympic proportions, but please erase the Fucking Human race, for now at least; our limitless fornication is overcrowding an already Choc-a-bloc Living universal Cesspit of scum and dum ass terrorists...

who only live to fuck you up... what Ya Gonna Do !

"A preemptive Nuclear strike sounds like a legitimate idea..." there are plenty of targets but not enough Nukes... and when they eventually do it; it will be a thousand years of darkness for the remaining irradiated humans...

your only last hope is not to die Broke... 
then you are REALLY ALONE

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