Sunday 28 April 2024

A Collective will...

Can Move Mountains, and elect the master of their government, Oh yeah... they can remove the head of state by infusion of a greater truth than they are forced to believe, collectively we ought to be able to do that, Not in china... YET
they have layers upon layers of different "forces" to keep the elite Safe...

In China it is the CCP against anyone who is not in the CCP... they are the millions of chosen Elite who can do what they like to "ordinary folk" with impunity... china Is the Capitol of total corruption, it is a body of people "eating itself" fornicating with the Devil itself = Xi the hollow Emperor who spends his people like money and sacrifices all of them to protect himself..


there will come a Man who will replace Xi Jing Ping, and it will be a very painful Coup for Him, and the top CCP, will fall like a house of sand... into eternal oblivion...

Liberation Is on its way to you NOW... your weapons are useless against the FREE WILL OF THE PEOPLE... the Really Real People of China, not the corrupt CCP a collection of inhuman criminals, the retribution of the peasants will eviscerate and decapitate you Xi, you have no right to continue to EXIST...

Slaughter Xi like the Squealing coward Pig he is... and set the people FREE... fill the poor with Hope, give them back the Money you stole from them... you are nothing but a fat greedy thief who looks like a Pig...

Fuck you Deeply Bitch !!!

Xi = a deluded malevolent nasty spiteful child in a fat Old mans body... he should be given ECT - Electro convulsive treatment, to educate him a little... then cut his dick off and while he is unconscious slit his throat like the Farm animal He truly is... with an I.Q. of 60 if he's lucky...

The Retard emperor who wants it all without paying the ultimate price: which is a quick mortality... gone in 60 seconds... 

so mote it be:

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