Sunday 18 February 2024

Emotional Intelligence...

There are so many levels of discrimination toward other entities/peoples, we all do it automatically, for survival purposes, (deep in our primal mind) a part of us makes the assumption visible or instinctive... by obvious or most often almost undetectable invisibility...

i.e. most couples don't know the partner they committed to, until the Day, they GET ANGRY, for no particular reason... months or years, maybe the day they get home after the honeymoon...

Einstein had Mathematical intelligence/Genius... and you could argue that Jesus had Emotional Intelligence/Genius... two polar opposites...

what would you rather have peace of mind or the burden of worrying about your interpersonal calculations? who can judge the quality of a person on the first meeting? even after years of familiarity... you get a shock from behind...

and Bang Bang Bang, fools die in their dozens...wise minds find the time to delay and disrupt the bad intentions of others... by Stalling them with dualistic charm, with a sincerity that they don't feel, all because you can delay before you pay with your life...

you are a sophisticated machine... dont get hi-jacked by bar-room bullshitters who only want your Pussy, and your PIN number...

Get a life find your intuition NOW

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