Thursday 23 November 2023

Sorry to the Russian People

Yes, this is legitimate compassion and shared sorrow, for the enemy... nobody cheers at the suffering of others do they? show your true heart and Eternal soul choose mercy over anger... but you are enflamed like a New Groom's Penus on his honeymoon... for the first time 'under contract' till she wants half of everything a few years later... it seems Divorced Men only marry Bitches? but who wants to go to bed with a boobytrap...

Only young Men want to fight, Old men know much better, you'd think but look at MAO, what a Cancer to China He was... he is a beloved mass murderer of his own seemingly insignificant peasant people, the poor... poor who have no power over the wicked Men who came and took their land, and Daughters...

How many children's lungs could have been filled with the oxygen that uses such high explosive ammunition to detonate and makes the CARBON FOOTPRINT a mass gassing in many ways and levels of long-term fallout for our future kin... over hundreds of years... not forgetting the immediate present...

who thought about that? DUH... dictators don't think they just drink the blood of the innocent, till they themselves Drown in it...

life is a selective slaughterhouse intrinsically and esoterically... Death always comes too soon, and it won't be late for you...  If Davinci can die, So can I... what point is there going on anyway... 

I wish you a good Death, be it painless and Quick... Cheerio '~'

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