Sunday 11 August 2019

Experiments with Madness

The Ultimate Dare, to Go TOO FAR... Self-induced or by public propaganda, To be subtly educated into Inhumanity is so Darn Easy... we all do it individually, dont tell me you dont make Value Judgements that are totally incorrect, like I do all the time, depending on the amount of Artificial stimulus running through ones "Personal Brain" lol...

Judgements on how a person behaves and coagulates into society, whatever their ultimate Ethnic Origin, Altruistic Sociological Behavior over inner CONTENT;  We are So Technically advanced, yet the molten Lumpen ignorant mess/mass of human society is bent toward well, Basically EVIL, GO FIGURE, do the MATH...


How many Good people have you ever met? next to none if you care to make retrospect evaluations of the "Behavior of another" affecting your life and happiness... I Admit to being the Bastard from Hell Myself in a past incarnation, to unfortunate others I have lived with and encountered, i.e. pre-middle-age personal Evolution, Thank God my Hormones have Evaporated and dried out...

By 60 you ought to be Emotionally Equalised and able to make Devastating admissions of previous miscalculations in a mostly WASTED POINTLESS LIFE... when you have stripped the EGO and Want of Gratification and satisfaction all for You, then the start of living COMPASSION sometimes begins,

To make up for the EVIL I did to Others, and these days mostly the Love for the want and need of Wholesome thoughts beyond perversion,  to be for a Nanosecond FREE OF ALL CORRUPTION but in utter absolute Honesty on a Barbeque Grill, frying for Others to Eat, don't forget the Onions Mum!

Dont Play with Madness, attenuate yourself to the Harmonic Reasoning of all Others, Remember HATE KILLS YOU from inside... Stop hating and begin living the new life of self-redemption all and each moment you are conscious of another's 'Distress' and engage 'The love of God that Dwells deeply within you, n is Written in your Very Genes...

When you finally see the moment of Death is the last barrier to Freedom... dont worry about a thing is my advice to those in fear and doubt...

Meditate before you Fornicate or your Kids will be less Average then Normal, just like YOU, Dont just make LOVE, BUILD LOVE out of NOTHING, thats what God does, Give it a lifetime Try, or fold up give in and DIE, 

Always Bring Cheer dont Deliver Fear and Dead, Being Happy is the easiest trick in the Magic Circle, Dont Hide your Light bring others Home to safety because of it...


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